1985 Full Westfalia
Elwha is perhaps one of the past century's more epic and moving river stories. Once one of the most important rivers on the Olympic Peninsula, the Elwha was damned in two spots in the early 1900s to power the region's growth. While the dams created electricity to power essential industries, they also destroyed miles and miles of critical habitat, ancient salmon runs, and many traditional Native American life patterns. Recent studies have documented the damage dams cause, and with outstanding leadership and courage, the Elwha dams were torn down in a grand experiment a few years ago. The Elwha River was returned to its natural state. Much was destroyed in the process, but so much beauty and bounty has returned in the ensuing years. If you travel to the Olympic Peninsula, visit the Elwha River to learn more.
Elwha, the van has many awesome upgrades - a slightly larger motor, an upgraded and built-in fridge, and a heater to keep you warm on cool nights. As a complete 'Westy,' she sleeps 4, has a built-in cooktop and sink, and lots of storage. Elwha even has hand-sewn curtains. She drives great and camps even better.